Channel: Miracles – Wiseblooding
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A Day Like None Other


Resurrection Day was a day like none other in the history of mankind! John 20 tells us: “Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance.” The heavy stone which had been covering the entrance was rolled aside! The crucified Jesus was no longer buried within!

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

What a shock that must have been for the people who followed Jesus! He’d been buried in a tomb, a heavy stone was positioned and the chief priests set some kind of seal on the stone. For extra security (Matthew 27:65-66), Pilate permitted them to post a guard at the tomb. No one was getting in or out of that tomb!

Except … Jesus did! A day like none other.

As I’ve reflected on our celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus, I’ve contemplated that every day spent with Jesus would have been a day like none other! Think about it. If you were with Him on the day He healed the leper, or when He brought Jairus’s daughter back from death, or all the other miracles recorded in the Gospels, those were extraordinary days! And after all those amazing miracles, His followers would have been stunned to witness His crucifixion and death.

With my German heritage, I follow several German-related pages on Facebook. When I saw the image below (on one of the German-themed sites), I was intrigued. I’d heard of Karfreitag and understood it to mean Good Friday. But this image depicts the reactions of four people on Sorrowful Friday. With crucifixion hill off in the background, we see four desolate people, obviously mourning.


I don’t know anything about the artist whose work this is, but I think the person captured exactly how the followers of Jesus must have felt on Good Friday.N

Though it was a truly dark day, it was still a day like none other. In fact, Luke 23:44-45 tells us for three hours while Jesus hung on the cross “darkness came over the entire land” and “the sun stopped shining ….” That had to have been a really, really dark day!

No doubt, the people who loved and followed Jesus experienced a huge range of emotions that weekend:  first, what seemed like crushing defeat on Friday when Jesus was crucified and buried, and then, the amazing splendor of seeing Jesus alive on Sunday! I tried to capture those emotions with the sonnet below.

Son of God, a Sonnet

Today, we are blessed to celebrate Resurrection Day. Make it a day like none other!

The post A Day Like None Other first appeared on Wiseblooding.

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